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The lat­est from the trade press
A new dimension of prefabrication

A new dimension of prefabrication 

bauen mit Holz 1.2024

Demo­graph­ics in Ger­many have an immense influ­ence on the con­struc­tion mar­ket. Over the last 30 years, the pro­por­tion of 25 to 44-year-olds has decreased, while the pro­por­tion of old­er peo­ple aged 65 and over has increased. This has con­se­quences for hous­ing con­cepts, as the group of peo­ple want­i­ng to build sin­­gle-fam­i­­ly homes is shrink­ing; the demand for mul­ti-fam­i­­ly homes and com­mer­cial con­struc­tion is grow­ing at the same rate. Bauer Holzbau is focus­ing on these growth mar­kets and is respond­ing to the chang­ing con­di­tions with mod­ern pro­duc­tion methods.

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Industrialised timber construction

Industrialised timber construction 

HOB 10.2023

For the third time, numer­ous rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the tim­ber con­struc­tion indus­try met at Reichen­bach­er Hamuel at the end of Octo­ber for an expert meet­ing. The top­ic was indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion in tim­ber con­struc­tion, and around 30 guests attend­ed the event at the company’s head­quar­ters. A fur­ther 90 fol­lowed the pre­sen­ta­tions online, which focussed on think­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing in mod­u­lar con­struc­tion in an indus­tri­al context.

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Entry into CNC machining with Reichenbacher

Entry into CNC machining with Reichenbacher 

HOB 8.2023

The small Nos join­ery from the Wet­ter­au dis­trict of Hesse has arrived in the mod­ern CNC world: Found­ed in 1949, the com­pa­ny said good­bye to tedious, old-fash­ioned man­u­fac­tur­ing a year ago. The ide­al entry into CNC tech­nol­o­gy was pro­vid­ed by the Opus machin­ing cen­ter from Reichenbacher.

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Solving large tasks intuitively

Solving large tasks intuitively 

exakt 10.2023

Com­pa­nies in indus­try and trade face a major chal­lenge when it comes to automa­tion. Because machines alone are not enough — in order to guar­an­tee con­sis­tent­ly high prod­uct qual­i­ty, intel­li­gent soft­ware must be used so that employ­ees can con­trol process­es, oper­ate machines and car­ry out pro­gram­ming with­out errors, even after only a short train­ing period.

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Variety is the motto

Variety is the motto 

BM 10.2023

By invest­ing in mod­ern 5‑axis CNC tech­nol­o­gy, Moralt AG has not only notice­ably increased its flex­i­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance. At the same time, the man­u­fac­tur­er of door blanks has opened a new chap­ter in terms of indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and data consistency.

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Unpacking and depowdering of 3D printed metal parts

Unpacking and depowdering of 3D printed metal parts 

Press release

The removal of unfused pow­der is a cen­tral step in the post­pro­cess­ing of met­al parts made using addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing. For years, sys­tems from Solukon have removed pow­der auto­mat­i­cal­ly from parts man­u­fac­tured with LPBF process­es. A project with Reichen­bach­er Hamuel GmbH…

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Sustainable building with wood

Sustainable building with wood 

HOB 5+6.2023

Time­less build­ing has been a tra­di­tion at Bauer Holzbau for almost 140 years. Crafts­man­ship is com­bined with progress and is exem­pli­fied in the form of mod­ern pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties and logis­tics con­cepts. Every­thing comes from a sin­gle source, from archi­tec­ture to con­struc­tion and spe­cial­ist plan­ning to the over­all com­ple­tion of a build­ing project. Turnkey sin­­gle-fam­i­­ly hous­es, devel­op­er mod­els and object build­ings in res­i­den­tial construction…

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Extremely fast and very precise

Extremely fast and very precise 

HK 3.2023

Being a pio­neer in a field is one thing, but achiev­ing this in a tech­ni­cal­ly and eco­nom­i­cal­ly sen­si­ble way is anoth­er. Accord­ing to Klaus Feile, CEO of Moralt AG, the acqui­si­tion of a new 5‑axis CNC sys­tem was a log­i­cal invest­ment in the future. His goal: The tra­di­tion­al com­pa­ny should con­tin­ue to play a lead­ing role as a man­u­fac­tur­er of door pre-prod­ucts and sup­pli­er of sys­tem solu­tions for func­tion­al doors for inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or use.

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Cheek milling machine farewell!

Cheek milling machine farewell! 

dds 3.2023

Ste­fan Nos and son Benedikt labo­ri­ous­ly made stairs with exot­ic machines. Now they have drawn a line and banned from the work­shop not only the cheek milling machine for milling steps and the stair­case bor­ing machine.

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The crazier the better

The crazier the better 

HK 6.2022

The 3D form­work bod­ies that give the con­crete its shape are planned, pre­fab­ri­cat­ed and assem­bled with com­put­er assis­tance. The more geo­met­ri­cal­ly com­plex the form­work is, the more flow­able and at the same time pres­­sure-resis­­tant the con­cretes used have to be.

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