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Taylor Made Joinery

Bühnenbau Wertheim

Interior Construction

Sophis­ti­cat­ed room con­cepts rely not only on aes­thet­ic design but also on unusu­al geome­tries. In mod­ern inte­ri­or design, the focus is on com­plex three-dimen­sion­al com­po­nents, espe­cial­ly in fur­ni­ture construction.

Weißacher Furniture

Fur­ni­ture from piece num­ber one: To real­ize this indi­vid­u­al­i­ty eco­nom­i­cal­ly is a chal­lenge, espe­cial­ly if you process up to 23 dif­fer­ent sol­id woods.

The wood man­u­fac­tur­er Weißach­er relies on the dif­fer­ent per­for­mance of two CNC sys­tems: a VISION‑I with con­sole table and an ARTIS-X4 with high Z‑axis.

Bachmann Wood Moldings

When it comes to tricky wood­en mould­ings for stair­case para­pets, recep­tion coun­ters, wall pan­elling or fur­nish­ing ele­ments for con­cert halls, for exam­ple, there is no get­ting around first-class workmanship.

The ele­ments, most­ly made of eas­i­ly bend­able poplar wood, are processed at Bach­mann on a VISION-II‑H with man­u­al car­ri­er table, which impress­es with a Z‑stroke of 780 mm.

Raßhofer Furniture / Living Space Concepts

Any­one look­ing for aes­thet­i­cal­ly designed fur­ni­ture and sophis­ti­cat­ed liv­ing space con­cepts will find what they are look­ing for at Raßhofer. Each piece of fur­ni­ture is unique and impress­es above all through 100% cus­tom work.

Every­thing that is made of wood runs through the VISION-II‑T. Here, work­pieces made of dif­fer­ent types of wood and with unusu­al geome­tries are pro­grammed and visu­al­ized with the help of a 3D work­piece display.

Taylor Made Joinery Exquisite Craftsmanship

Exquis­ite crafts­man­ship is syn­ony­mous with Tay­lor Made Join­ery from Suf­folk. The huge fan-vault­ed ceil­ing of a cathe­dral, which con­sists of over 2,500 indi­vid­ual com­po­nents, is just one exam­ple of their expertise.

They rely on the UNIVERS-416 and VISION-II lines when, for instance, big com­po­nents with dou­ble curves and very small radii have to be processed.

Kaufmann Oberholzer Interior Construction / 3D-Structures

In inte­ri­or con­struc­tion, apart from fur­ni­ture, win­dows, doors and stair­cas­es, a com­pa­ny often han­dles com­plex 3D-struc­tures and demand­ing materials.

Their high qual­i­ty require­ments cause Kauf­mann Ober­holz­er to rely on the mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy of the VISION-II line, the short tool chang­ing times of which war­rant for good work­ing efficiency.

Schreinerei Raphael Haas Components from Mineral Materials

Intri­cate three-dimen­sion­al com­po­nents from wood, min­er­al and oth­er mate­ri­als can be used to their full effect in inte­ri­or design.

Schreinerei Raphael Haas, using the ARTIS-X4, com­plete­ly rely on advanced CNC-tech­nol­o­gy, and its excel­lent milling results have become vital in fur­ni­ture making.

Bühnenbau Wertheim Panel Processing

A ratio­nal sys­tem of vac­u­um lifter and CNC-machin­ing cen­tre is indis­pens­able to ensure ergonom­i­cal­ly effi­cient pan­el processing.

Büh­nen­bau Wertheim are espe­cial­ly sat­is­fied by the sol­id machine base of the VISION-II. The com­pa­ny uses this line for the man­u­fac­ture of high-grade stage floors for the­atres and opera hous­es all over the world.

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