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AMS 800

Selec­tive laser melting

The AMS 800 was devel­oped for the pow­der bed­ding process and fur­ther pro­cess­ing by laser melt­ing (LM) and is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for the pro­duc­tion of large-vol­ume met­al components.

Here, we offer a unique solu­tion on an indus­tri­al scale, espe­cial­ly when it comes to large build­ing vol­umes, some of which are impos­si­ble to real­ize in the con­ven­tion­al way.

The inte­grat­ed pow­der prepa­ra­tion and inert gas sys­tem (nitro­gen N2) places great empha­sis on sus­tain­abil­i­ty and safe­ty. The han­dling of the com­po­nents takes place out­side the build­ing area and the trans­fer between the machin­ing process­es is ful­ly auto­mat­ic. The aim was to cre­ate an open sys­tem where it is pos­si­ble to con­fig­ure the equip­ment for var­i­ous CAD/CAM inter­faces and machine con­trol ver­sions. Thus, the cus­tomer decides which R&D project he wants to car­ry out.

Dr. Kawal­la-Nam: „This trend­set­ting tech­nol­o­gy opens the doors to com­plete­ly new man­u­fac­tur­ing and design con­cepts, as many of the process­es cur­rent­ly avail­able are still too expen­sive or too slow for the industry.“


AMS 800

The print­ing vol­ume per­mits the man­u­fac­ture of work­pieces with a base area of up to 800 x 800 mil­lime­tres and a max­i­mum height of 500 mil­lime­tres. 3D print­ing is per­formed using 4 fibre lasers with a max­i­mum pow­er of 1 kW, each.

Control system (Siemens make)

Open sys­tem for var­i­ous CAD/CAM inter­faces and machine con­trol ver­sions. The cus­tomer decides which R&D project he wants to car­ry out.
In the clean­ing cab­in, the oper­a­tor can remove the remain­ing loose pow­der by suc­tion. The build-plate can be loaded into the machine using a crane.


An inno­v­a­tive han­dling sys­tem auto­mat­i­cal­ly trans­fers the build-plate from the dis­charge sta­tion into the process chamber.

Extraction system

Fume extrac­tion sys­tem (fil­tra­tion) with a sin­ter-plate fil­ter in com­bi­na­tion with safe pas­si­va­tion and inte­gra­tion into the inert gas cir­cu­la­tion system.

Nitrogen generator

The nitro­gen gen­er­a­tor per­mits the cre­ation of the inert gas atmos­phere with a nitro­gen puri­ty of up to 99.9%.

Machine brochure