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Hybrid man­u­fac­tur­ing technologies

In the hybrid man­u­fac­tur­ing of ther­mo­plas­tics, the ECO-Hybrid com­bines fused gran­u­lar fab­ri­ca­tion (FGF)-based extru­sion with machining.

This plant, which has been devel­oped in coop­er­a­tion with the Addi­tive Man­u­fac­tur­ing Sys­tems Divi­sion of Hans Weber Maschi­nen­fab­rik GmbH, is based on the direct extru­sion of a plas­tic gran­u­late. The con­tin­u­ous addi­tive print­ing process per­mits the pro­duc­tion of large-vol­ume and extreme­ly resilient com­po­nents. After or dur­ing print­ing, 5‑axis machin­ing takes place to opti­mise accu­ra­cies and sur­faces. This makes the sys­tem an ide­al choice for the pro­duc­tion of rough-shaped com­po­nents for use as quick pro­to­types or for the final pro­duc­tion of small and large series.

Dr. Kawal­la-Nam: „This trend-set­ting hybrid tech­nol­o­gy ren­ders process­es much more effi­cient. The goal must be to pro­duce large quan­ti­ties in a short time at com­pet­i­tive costs.“

In addi­tion to small 3D com­po­nents, the ECO-Hybrid main­ly per­mits the fast pro­duc­tion of large-vol­ume com­po­nents, such as façade ele­ments, form­work for the con­struc­tion indus­try or casting/pressing moulds in mould-mak­ing indus­tries. CNC machin­ing per­fects their func­tion­al­i­ty in terms of desired accu­ra­cies and high-qual­i­ty sur­face finishes.



ECO-LT basic machine: Low-vibra­tion por­tal frame with sta­tion­ary machin­ing table on a sta­ble sub­struc­ture. A pro­tec­tive cab­in includ­ing ceil­ing ele­ment enclos­es the machine com­plete­ly. Two ver­sions of equip­ping the unit and a tool chang­er with 7 places sat­is­fy most diverse cus­tomer requirements.

Print­ing table:

  • Table sur­face heat­able up to 150 °C
  • Per­ma­nent print­ing plate (sur­face)
  • Base plate from cast aluminium
  • Plate milled (lev­el or with grooves)
  • Steel bars with fit­ted and thread­ed bushes


Plas­ti­cis­ing up to 450 °C
Max­i­mum mate­r­i­al out­put from 8 kg/h to 30 kg/h
Noz­zle diam­e­ter from 1 mm to 20 mm
Sub­se­quent to their fus­ing in the extrud­er, a noz­zle deposits the fused pel­lets on the build-plate/print­ing table in layers. 

Milling unit

The car­dan­ic 5‑axis work­ing head pro­vides for an under­cut of up to 46° and can be equipped with dif­fer­ent head ver­sions. This per­mits the high-pre­ci­sion three-dimen­sion­al machin­ing of free-form sur­faces and con­tours dur­ing and after 3D printing.


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Time-lapse video: 3D printing + post-processing


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Concrete applications for 3D printing

Machine brochure

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