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Bauer Holzbau

Holzbau Reichel


Glass Bauunternehmung





House / Objectconstruction

Mod­ern house and com­mer­cial con­struc­tion com­bines a healthy indoor cli­mate with styl­ish archi­tec­ture and high func­tion­al stan­dards. Sus­tain­able build­ings impress above all with their low ener­gy con­sump­tion and high degree of prefabrication.

Example picture for timber and object construction of the company Bauer Holzbau

Bauer Holzbau building envelopes & facade elements

Time­less build­ing has a tra­di­tion at Bauer Holzbau. They com­bine crafts­man­ship with mod­ern pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties and logis­tics con­cepts. Thus, they realise turnkey sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes and object build­ings using sus­tain­able build­ing materials.

The mod­ern CNC sys­tem VISION-III-TTT‑H 5‑axis with grooved HPL table plate is in use in the eco­nom­ic pre­fab­ri­ca­tion of build­ing com­po­nents. At a length of 9 m, a width of 3.6 m and a Z‑stroke of 780 mm, this sys­tem is ide­al­ly suit­ed for tim­ber construction.

Picture of the 5-axis machining center VISION-III-U
Example picture for wood and object construction of the company Reichel

Holzbau Reichel planning and construction of bridges

Holzbau Reichel rep­re­sents the entire range of clas­sic tim­ber con­struc­tion. The com­pa­ny spe­cialis­es main­ly in the build­ing of roof truss­es and form­work for bridge construction.

They invest­ed in an OPUS-5R to inten­si­fy in-house pro­duc­tion depth. It allows the pro­cess­ing of pan­els with dimen­sions of 2.5 m x 1.25 m with lit­tle effort: recess­es, notch­es, cav­i­ties and the nec­es­sary con­nect­ing ele­ments for very com­plex com­po­nent geome­tries can be realised with­in short.

Regnauer Fertigbau house walls and ceilings

Reg­nauer Fer­tig­bau are pro­duc­ing house walls and ceil­ings with a high degree of pre­fab­ri­ca­tion. They mas­ter­ly com­bine a healthy indoor cli­mate, styl­ish archi­tec­ture and high func­tion­al and aes­thet­ic standards.

The high­ly effi­cient ECO-3313‑A through-feed sys­tem has been inte­grat­ed into an exist­ing pro­duc­tion line and has become a cen­tral com­po­nent in the over­all process. An area stor­age sys­tem pre­cedes it, where the arrange­ment of the pan­el stacks is in line with the quan­ti­ties required.

Glass Bauunternehmung all areas of construction

The com­plex­i­ty of geo­met­ri­cal­ly demand­ing struc­tures in com­bi­na­tion with fair-faced con­crete is a remark­able chal­lenge, as form­work con­struc­tion requires enor­mous exper­tise. Glass Bau­un­ternehmung spe­cialis­es in the pro­duc­tion of com­plex form­work bod­ies from sol­id wood and chipboard.

The VISION-III-TT 5‑axis machin­ing cen­tre with grooved HPL table sur­face aims at process opti­mi­sa­tion and reach­es entire­ly new dimen­sions where accu­ra­cy, speed and flex­i­bil­i­ty are concerned.

Derix Glued Laminated Timber

The Der­ix group of com­pa­nies has spe­cialised in glued lam­i­nat­ed tim­ber for con­struc­tion pur­pos­es. Their pri­or­i­ty is on hall struc­tures, which includes also high­ly com­plex shapes. 

Today they are work­ing with three iden­ti­cal lines of type VISION-III-TT-5-axes, each of which is equipped with a beam table 16,500 x 3,600 mm that con­sists of 23 steel tra­vers­es with wood­en beam tops, as well as with a conveyor.

innbau-beton High-Quality Precast Concrete Elements

Die Schalung ist eine Form, in die Frisch­be­ton zur Her­stel­lung von Beton­bauteilen einge­bracht wird und die nach dem Erhärten ent­fer­nt wird. Vor den Toren Münchens ist die Fir­ma innbau-beton zuhause, die Bau­un­ternehmer mit hochw­er­ti­gen Beton­fer­tigteilen beliefert.

Seit zwei Jahren wer­den diese Schalungsplat­ten in Größen bis zu 6.000 x 2.000 mm automa­tisiert auf der QUANTUM gefer­tigt. Durch den Ein­satz der Mas­chine erre­icht innbau-beton im Ver­gle­ich zu früher eine Zeit­erspar­nis von rund 25 Prozent.

Balteschwiler Wall and Ceiling Panels / Outer Facades

The man­u­fac­ture of wall and ceil­ing pan­els, as well as of out­er facades, requires big, reli­able machin­ing systems.

Using the VISION-III-TTT, the cut­ting and machin­ing cen­tre for large for­mats, Bal­teschwiler per­form the ful­ly auto­mat­ic cut­ting, milling, drilling, cham­fer­ing and grind­ing of com­plex pan­el and struc­tur­al com­po­nents of up to 13.5 m in length, 3.5 m in width and 250 mm thickness!

Renggli Sustainable Buildings

Apart from their high lev­el of com­fort, sus­tain­able tim­ber build­ings impress main­ly by their low ener­gy requirements.

As the degree of pre­fab­ri­ca­tion for mod­u­lar tim­ber con­struc­tion sys­tems is an ever-increas­ing one, Reng­gli rely on mod­ern pro­duc­tion lines, which com­prise also the pan­el machin­ing cen­tre ECO-3533‑B Nest­ing.

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