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Diehl Aviation





Aircraft Construction

Aero­dy­nam­ic sur­faces and struc­tur­al com­po­nents for air­craft must sat­is­fy the high­est demands. Machin­ing accu­ra­cy is there­fore the mea­sure of all things.

F/LIST Cabin Interiors

The focus of exquis­ite cab­in inte­ri­ors for air­craft and yachts is on first-class sur­face qual­i­ty. Their pro­duc­tion calls for pro­gres­sive man­u­fac­tur­ing processes.

F/LIST rely on sev­er­al CNC-lines type VISION-II. They meet the demands for increas­ing vari­abil­i­ty as to dimen­sions and materials.

MECAPLEX AG Transparencies

The man­u­fac­ture of trans­paren­cies for air­planes and heli­copters requires enor­mous spe­cial­i­sa­tion, as they are sub­ject to high­est loads when the air­craft is airborne.

MECAPLEX AG machine com­pos­ites, acrylic glass, poly­car­bon­ate, GRP and CFRP on the ECO-2616‑A. The line is equipped with glass scales for heat mon­i­tor­ing to account for the demand­ing mate­ri­als to be processed.

MT-Propeller Blades

MT-Pro­peller pro­duce blades for air­craft, hov­er­craft and wind tun­nels from nat­ur­al com­pos­ites. Numer­ous unde­fined aero­dy­nam­ic sur­faces present a huge challenge.

Accord­ing to CAD/CAM spec­i­fi­ca­tions, the blades are milled from wood­en blocks by high-qual­i­ty CNC-machines type VISION-Inline; depend­ing on their size either sev­er­al simul­ta­ne­ous­ly side by side or a sin­gle one or pair lengthwise.

Diehl Aviation Manufacturing of Assemblies from Honeycomb Material

Evi­dence for the inno­v­a­tive capac­i­ties of Tier‑1 Diehl Avi­a­tion is their man­u­fac­tur­ing of assem­blies for the air­craft indus­try from hon­ey­comb material.

The ECO-NTX-1720 Duo pro­duces side walls with win­dow open­ings, ceil­ings, stor­age com­part­ments, cab­in inte­ri­ors, doors and door frames, as well as oth­er three-dimen­sion­al com­po­nents, for most diverse types of aircraft.

Premium AEROTEC Structural Components

Machin­ing accu­ra­cy is the non-plus ultra for struc­tur­al com­po­nents in mil­i­tary and civ­il aircraft.

Pre­mi­um AEROTEC use heavy­du­ty cen­tres type UNIVERS and VISION-III‑H for the machin­ing of floor cross­bars and seat rails from CFRP and of the alu­mini­um hon­ey­comb struc­ture for wing components.

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