Additive manufacturing systems
A new era begins
Additive manufacturing has been the talk of the town for many years, and the topic will continue to gain momentum because the potential applications for 3D components are virtually unlimited.
The automotive industry and its suppliers, the aviation, consumer goods and toy industries, mold making (rapid tooling) and medical technology — all have been using 3D components for a long time. Interest in the quickly and cost-effectively produced components will also grow in many other industries, such as art, architecture or landscape design.
We offer the following processes for industrial users:
- Selective laser melting processes
- Hybrid manufacturing technologies
- Laser cladding
AMS 400
Unlimited 3D printing by seamless process integration
The AMS 400 realizes large building volumes on an industrial scale. The system permits the smooth access to metallic 3D printing and the production of small-series parts by additive manufacturing.
AMS 800
The concept for large building volumes in metallic printing
Developed based on the powder bedding process and further processing by laser melting (LM), the AMS 800 is particularly suitable for the safe and reliable production of large-volume metal workpieces.
Custom-fit solutions for additive and subtractive manufacturing
The HybriDX-LT represents the perfect combination of large-format industrial 3D printing and a post-processing system by milling. The machine concept meets the production requirements of a large number of innovative components and prototypes.
Laser cladding
Hybrid manufacturing is a highly flexible system for repairing worn parts, requiring only a fraction of the energy, time and cost compared to manufacturing new parts.
Industrial high-speed 3D printer
By virtue of its large building volume, high-quality insulation, innovative construction space heating and advanced printing head technology, this high-speed printer sets completely new standards and meets the highest demands of industrial mechanical engineering.
Your contact for additive manufacturing
Dr. Alexander Kawalla-Nam
Head of Additive Manufacturing Technology
Mobile: +49 160 98923037
Tel.: +49 9561 599–116
Fax: +49 9561 599–199
f.l.t.r.: Jurij Welk, Lukas Gahn, Dieter Vonderlind, Johannes Reiser, Dr. Alexander Kawalla-Nam
The Additive Manufacturing Team
In order to obtain a product portfolio with USP, we have to perceive the requirements of the market and the customers very precisely and take appropriate measures to ensure that our knowledge is incorporated in the machine developments.
Our work is a living process that creates synergies, because we use the know-how of Reichenbacher’s design engineers, who in turn benefit from our expertise. This enables us to continuously optimize and advance the products and push new developments in order to be competitive on the market.
To ensure this, the core team of Dr. Kawalla-Nam, Steven Schmidt and Lukas Gahn is supported by three other colleagues: Johannes Reiser, technical sales and key account, Dieter Vonderlind, assembly and manufacturing, and Jurij Welk, software and standardization, who supports in the area of PLC and software development.