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Career / Jobs

Take off now for a successful and bright future

As a hid­den cham­pi­on, Reichen­bach­er Hamuel GmbH offers you a wide range of oppor­tu­ni­ties to start or shape your career in a suc­cess­ful fam­i­ly busi­ness. Expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­als and career starters will find attrac­tive jobs and devel­op­ment prospects that can only be found in an inde­pen­dent inter­na­tion­al group of com­pa­nies. Our almost 70-year suc­cess sto­ry is proof of this.

Employ­ees at Reichen­bach­er receive qual­i­fied voca­tion­al train­ing, advanced train­ing and numer­ous addi­tion­al in-house and exter­nal train­ing cours­es. The fam­i­ly busi­ness offers interns and stu­dents inter­na­tion­al prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence and indi­vid­ual sup­port and encour­age­ment as part of project work. School leavers can expect qual­i­fied voca­tion­al train­ing with in-house and exter­nal addi­tion­al train­ing at Reichen­bach­er Hamuel.

Certification as a training company


Start your career
in a future-proof company!

Symbolic image of training as an industrial clerk (f/m/d)

Industrial clerk (f/m/d)

An indus­tri­al clerk deals with the com­mer­cial tasks in our depart­ments, such as mate­ri­als logis­tics, human resources, accounts, mar­ket­ing and sales. This is amongst oth­ers the pro­cess­ing of order and ship­ping documents,…
Symbolic image of apprenticeship as an electronics technician for industrial engineering (f/m/d)

Electronic technician for industrial engineering (f/m/d)

Our elec­tron­ics for indus­tri­al engi­neer­ing install, main­tain and repair elec­tri­cal pro­duc­tion and pro­cess­ing units, whether they are switch or con­trol devices, ener­gy sup­ply units…
Symbolic image of apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic (f/m/d)

Industrial mechanic (f/m/d)

As an indus­tri­al mechan­ic you main­tain and install indus­tri­al machines and units, for exam­ple in our own man­u­fac­ture. You assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble parts and com­po­nen­tries, locate errors, elim­i­nate fail­ures by repair and carry…
Symbolic image of a mechatronics technician apprenticeship (f/m/d)

Mechatronic technician (f/m/d)

You build sys­tems that con­sist of both mechan­i­cal and infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy com­po­nents. Like­wise, the pro­gram­ming of CNC machin­ing cen­ters as well as error diag­nos­tics are part of the typ­i­cal tasks…

Symbolic image of the technical product designer training occupation

Technical product designer (f/m/d)

In the field of machine and plant design, you design com­po­nents and assem­blies as well as pro­duc­tion draw­ings for machines and plants in a 3D CAD sys­tem and pre­pare tech­ni­cal documentation…

From the field

What our trainees have to say:
In a video they made them­selves, they tell you the basics about their pro­fes­sions and their day-to-day work.


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Job offers

Whether grad­u­ate or expe­ri­enced
Apply now for a job with a secure future!