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Tele­ser­vice by means of remote data transmission

An invest­ment aims at con­tin­u­ing or increas­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, i.e. the up-time for the respec­tive unit must be guar­an­teed. Repairs can be min­imised, but not always avoid­ed. Thus, a com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the unit and the simul­ta­ne­ous analy­sis of the oper­at­ing data will be impor­tant. This is exact­ly where our tele-ser­vice comes in.  Via remote data trans­fer at your work sta­tion – or with our tele-ser­vice team log­ging direct­ly into your unit for mon­i­tor­ing or fault diag­nos­tics analy­sis. The process para­me­ters and the func­tion­ing of your unit can be dis­played and pos­si­bly opti­mised by using a mod­ern PLC-con­troller, as well as the cor­re­spond­ing sen­sor and dis­play systems.


  • Opti­mum up-time of the unit
  • Cost reduc­tion
  • Quick diag­nos­tics for the unit
  • Spe­cif­ic instruc­tions for your service

Service technicians

If, how­ev­er, it were nec­es­sary for a ser­vice tech­ni­cian to vis­it you any­how, based on the pre­ced­ing fault analy­sis, he would know which spare parts to bring along, and fur­ther down­time would be avoid­ed. The deci­sion as to when access to the machine is pos­si­ble will be up to the cus­tomer! Tele-ser­vice can only be built up after autho­ri­sa­tion by the customer.