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Treppenbau Diehl

Gussek Haus

Meyer & Grave


Thoni Treppen


Staircase Construction

Mod­ern stair­cas­es not only con­nect floors, they are archi­tec­tur­al chal­lenges. As part of inte­ri­or design, stair­cas­es with com­plex shapes and an impres­sive mix of mate­ri­als are often imple­ment­ed beyond stan­dard­ized norms.

Treppenbau Diehl Exclusive Stair Constructions

Diehl has become a sym­bol for exclu­sive stair­case con­struc­tions, dri­ven by the pas­sion to cre­ate incom­pa­ra­bly unique pieces, care­ful­ly refined accord­ing to the indi­vid­ual ideas of the customers.

With excep­tion­al pre­ci­sion, the VISION-ST 5‑axis can machine all mate­ri­als demand­ed by mod­ern stair­case con­struc­tion, such as sol­id wood, alu­minum, com­pos­ite or sol­id sur­face materials.

Dietel Ready-for-Assembly Solid Wood Stairs

Stairs not only con­nect floors of a liv­ing land­scape, but also help to shape it. To man­u­fac­ture ready-for-assem­bly sol­id wood stairs from nat­ur­al woods means rely­ing on mod­ern pro­duc­tion technology.

At Dietel, a VISION-II-ST spe­cial­ly devel­oped for stair­case pro­duc­tion is in use. It is equipped with a 5‑axis main unit and three addi­tion­al milling motors, whose cut­ting accu­ra­cy and ful­ly auto­mat­ic con­trol guar­an­tees excel­lent results.

Schreinerei Nos Unique pieces for private customers

Every stair­case at Schreinerei Nos is unique. Since they also work a lot in old build­ings with fre­quent­ly tight space con­di­tions and spe­cial require­ments from the mon­u­ment pro­tec­tion author­i­ties, these frame­work con­di­tions have to be account­ed for in the designs and planning.

At Nos, the 5.4 m ver­sion of the OPUS-5K need­ed for stair­case con­struc­tion has been installed, which, with machin­ing dimen­sions of 5.2 m x 1.45 m x 200 mm, offers enough clear­ance for machin­ing oth­er large-dimen­sion com­po­nents in addi­tion to stringers.

Image of the CNC machining center OPUS 5K

treppenbau.ch Extraordinary Staircases

Extra­or­di­nary stair­cas­es present an archi­tec­tur­al chal­lenge and can only be designed and processed using mod­ern technology.

treppenbau.ch count on the strong motor pow­er of the VISION-III and use their cre­ative scope to accen­tu­ate the rep­re­sen­ta­tive aes­thet­ics of the stair­cas­es in full.

Sonnemans Trappen Individual Staircases

At Son­ne­mans Trap­pen every stair­case looks dif­fer­ent: with respect to the extrav­a­gant mate­ri­als, its style and design.

Pri­or­i­ty: flex­i­bil­i­ty and short pro­cess­ing times. The VISION-II-ST man­u­fac­tures all the com­po­nents required with one main unit and three ver­ti­cal milling motors.

Meyer & Grave Staircases, also for luxury yachts

The supe­ri­or crafts­man­ship of man­u­al fab­ri­ca­tion com­bined with the effi­cien­cy of mod­ern machine tech­nol­o­gy. A spe­cial niche prod­uct of Mey­er & Grave are stair­cas­es to be admired on board of lux­u­ry yachts.

An impres­sive cri­te­ri­on of the VISION-II-ST‑H is its ele­vat­ed Z‑axis: it per­mits the pro­cess­ing of high com­po­nents, such as big string wreaths or tem­plates for 3D-parts.

Gussek Haus Staircases with intricate Geometries

At Gussek Haus, a man­u­fac­tur­er of pre­fab hous­es, the CNC-con­trolled inhouse pro­duc­tion of stair­cas­es is at the core of their activities.

In the case of intri­cate geome­tries, such as full-length handrails with spe­cial string wreaths, the pow­er­ful VISION-II-ST ensures cut­ting accu­ra­cy, min­i­mum mate­r­i­al loss­es and excel­lent results.

Thoni Treppen Staircases as Part of Interior Design

Stair­cas­es, as part of an impres­sive inte­ri­or design, most­ly excel by their indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and exclusiveness.

Thoni Trep­pen imple­ment these stair­cas­es with a great deal of imag­i­na­tion where intri­cate shapes and amaz­ing mate­ri­als are con­cerned. Two lines type VISION-II opti­mise process­es and per­fect­ly realise the immense range of products.

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