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The short for­mu­la for transformability

With the ECO CNC-machin­ing cen­tre, Reichen­bach­er Hamuel have utilised all their know-how and expe­ri­ence in high per­for­mance machine con­struc­tion to devel­op a series that offers the high­est lev­els of flex­i­bil­i­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. The ECO brings togeth­er the attrib­ut­es of reli­a­bil­i­ty, speed and pre­ci­sion syn­ony­mous with the name Reichen­bach­er Hamuel.

The ECO is a self-con­tained, rigid heavy-duty machin­ing cen­tre. Its vibra­tion-free fixed gantry has two or three sup­ports, depend­ing on the table size and it has one or more aggre­gate slides (option­al at the rear of the gantry). Depend­ing on pro­duc­tion demands, the ECO can have one or two machin­ing units that can be con­trolled by sep­a­rate NC-chan­nels. The basic machine can be sup­plied with sin­gle or twin tables with the option of addi­tion­al tables to enable set-up work to be car­ried out while the machine is in pro­duc­tion. This dis­pens­es with the need for rec­i­p­ro­cal loading.

Configuration examples


  • The great vari­ety of con­fig­u­ra­tions always war­rants for utmost pro­duc­tion effi­cien­cy and up-time
  • Oper­a­tion in par­al­lel on two inde­pen­dent machin­ing tables, which can also be coupled
  • 5‑axes fork-shaped or car­dan­ic head for high-pre­ci­sion machining
  • Upon request, cus­tomised solu­tions for machine table con­fig­u­ra­tion or CNC-con­trol sys­tem design will be pro­ject­ed and offered