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A new dimension of prefabrication

18. March 2024

Preview image for the article excerpt from HOB 10.2023: Industrialised timber construction

bauen mit Holz 1.2024

A new dimen­sion of prefabrication

Demo­graph­ics in Ger­many have an immense influ­ence on the con­struc­tion mar­ket. Over the last 30 years, the pro­por­tion of 25 to 44-year-olds has decreased, while the pro­por­tion of old­er peo­ple aged 65 and over has increased. This has con­se­quences for hous­ing con­cepts, as the group of peo­ple want­i­ng to build sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes is shrink­ing; the demand for mul­ti-fam­i­ly homes and com­mer­cial con­struc­tion is grow­ing at the same rate. Bauer Holzbau is focus­ing on these growth mar­kets and is respond­ing to the chang­ing con­di­tions with mod­ern pro­duc­tion methods.