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The crazier the better

23. December 2022

HK 6.2022

The cra­zier, the better

The 3D form­work bod­ies that give the con­crete its shape are planned, pre­fab­ri­cat­ed and assem­bled with com­put­er assis­tance. The more geo­met­ri­cal­ly com­plex the form­work, the more flow­able and at the same time pres­sure-resis­tant the con­cretes used have to be. In this con­text, spe­cial high-per­for­mance con­cretes are often used for sta­t­i­cal­ly rel­e­vant com­po­nents; in the case of the rhi­no enclo­sure, a red-col­ored con­crete was used. Most of the form­works at Glass are com­plex one-offs, and they can no longer be real­ized eco­nom­i­cal­ly with con­ven­tion­al machines, nei­ther in terms of accu­ra­cy nor speed.