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Technical articles & user reports

New approaches are more challenging

Specialist for complex tasks

Where oth­ers play it safe, mas­ter join­er Raphael Haas says: „New approach­es have always been more chal­leng­ing for me.” Only the appli­ca­tion of CNC-tech­nol­o­gy has put him – 30 years after found­ing his com­pa­ny – in a posi­tion to say: „We cre­ate our own mar­kets, we don’t just copy things. And since we are using 5‑axes tech­nol­o­gy, we have become more inno­v­a­tive than ever before”.

Technical specialities for wood-aesthetes

We make it possible

At Kauf­mann Ober­holz­er AG they man­u­fac­ture almost every­thing from wood one can dream of. When it was about imple­ment­ing 5‑axis CNC sys­tems in the com­pa­ny, it became clear that Reichen­bach­er was one step ahead of oth­ers: Because sup­port before and dur­ing project plan­ning and instal­la­tion is indispensable.

Feel-good factor on wheels

Lightweight construction is essential for caravan building

The major clients of Sten­gele Holz- und Kun­st­stofftech­nik GmbH, such as Hymer, Cartha­go, Deth­leffs, Fendt and oth­ers, install its com­po­nents in all vehi­cles. Their pro­duc­tion sec­tor uses most advanced tech­nolo­gies, such as the 5‑axes CNC-machin­ing cen­tres from Reichen­bach­er, to ensure con­tin­u­ous top machin­ing quality.

Quality ‘to sit on’

Cost-effective implementation of the furniture’s individualism

A hotel or brew­ery search­ing for seat­ing fur­ni­ture, which doesn’t just look good, but is par­tic­u­lar­ly durable, will almost cer­tain­ly come across Mas­sivholz­man­u­fak­tur Richard Weißach­er GmbH in Essen­bach near Land­shut. 14 of a total of 18 peo­ple in pro­duc­tion are exclu­sive­ly han­dling the man­u­fac­ture of chairs.

Boundless source of creativity

Exclusive and aesthetically designed furniture

Those look­ing for exclu­sive fur­ni­ture with aes­thet­ic design, but above all for sophis­ti­cat­ed liv­ing space con­cepts, will find what they are look­ing for at the Johann Raßhofer join­ery. Each piece of fur­ni­ture is unique and impress­es by its 100-per­cent pre­ci­sion. Since 2013, every­thing made from wood has passed through the 5‑axis CNC machin­ing cen­tre VISION-II‑T.


Ideas brought into form

The pur­chase of a com­plex CNC sys­tem is also a leap in at the deep end — at least from the point of view of a small join­ery busi­ness. Kurt Kutschmann
(Area Sales Man­ag­er Reichen­bach­er Hamuel), who had the require­ments of the Swiss spe­cial­ists for tricky wood­en form parts clear­ly in mind, was well aware of this. 

Solving big tasks intuitively

Software and machine as a unit

Com­pa­nies in indus­try and trade are fac­ing a major chal­lenge in terms of automa­tion. After all, machines alone are not enough — in order to guar­an­tee con­sis­tent­ly high prod­uct qual­i­ty, intel­li­gent soft­ware must be used so that employ­ees can oper­ate machines and car­ry out pro­gram­ming after a short train­ing period.