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LIGNA Hannover — Making more out of wood

25. April 2017

New location in Hall 27 / Stand H40

LIGNA is always an ide­al plat­form for tech­ni­cal dis­cus­sions and we will be pre­sent­ing a com­pact, high-per­for­mance CNC sys­tem of the VISION‑I Sprint type to the inter­na­tion­al audi­ence. This sys­tem, which will be deliv­ered direct­ly to Switzer­land after the trade fair, impress­es with sev­er­al tech­ni­cal highlights.

The CNC machin­ing cen­tre, which is equipped with an auto­mat­ic car­ri­er table with 6 car­ri­ers, has a torque sup­port, a spe­cial suc­tion con­cept, a Sword Brush for auto­mat­ic work­piece clean­ing, a gim­bal-mount­ed 5‑axis head, a sep­a­rate 15-fold mul­ti-spin­dle drilling gear, a 24-fold plate tool chang­er and the pick-up place for saw blades up to 400 mm in diam­e­ter. In addi­tion to a high Z‑stroke with a pas­sage height of 400 mm, the auto­mat­ic load­ing sys­tem with stack­ing posi­tions and loader is par­tic­u­lar­ly note­wor­thy. This makes it pos­si­ble to inde­pen­dent­ly process stacks of parts dur­ing work­ing hours, dur­ing breaks, but also after work­ing hours. For a small craft or indus­tri­al busi­ness, this means much bet­ter util­i­sa­tion and extend­ed pos­si­bil­i­ties of use. In future, the Swiss cus­tomer will use it to process com­po­nents made of sol­id wood, wood-based mate­ri­als and plastics.

As we have been suc­cess­ful­ly sup­ply­ing state-of-the-art CNC sys­tems in the field of plas­tics and com­pos­ites pro­cess­ing for decades, we also have some­thing to offer on the top­ic of ‘Pro­cess­ing of Plas­tics and Com­pos­ites’. Through­out the trade fair, we will be pre­sent­ing machine con­cepts for the effi­cient pro­cess­ing of plas­tic and com­pos­ite com­po­nents and our experts will be on hand to answer any questions.