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The lat­est from the trade press
The measure of all things — Premium Aerotec

The measure of all things — Premium Aerotec

NCF 11.2017 Reichen­bach­er has now installed four machin­ing cen­tres of the UNIVERS Sprint series at Pre­mi­um Aerotec. They are spe­cial­ly designed for machin­ing CFRP and alu­mini­um. Read arti­cle here (Ger­man version)

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Enjoy step by step — Sonnemans Trappen

Enjoy step by step — Sonnemans Trappen

HOB 10.2017 A stair­case has a prac­ti­cal and a dec­o­ra­tive func­tion. It is often one of the first impres­sions you get of a build­ing. Read arti­cle here (Ger­man version)

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Only the best for the stage — Bühnenbau Wertheim

Only the best for the stage — Bühnenbau Wertheim

HK 05.2017 Stage floors must be of spe­cial qual­i­ty. Actors, dancers and singers per­form their art on them. And up to three times a day, stage struc­tures are erect­ed and dis­man­tled, moved or bolt­ed to the floor for rehearsals and per­for­mances. Read arti­cle here (Ger­man…

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11 new trainees in the Reichenbacher Hamuel group of companies

11 new trainees in the Reichenbacher Hamuel group of companies

The time has come again. The HAMUEL Reichen­bach­er group of com­pa­nies got a new mem­ber last Fri­day. We wel­come a total of 11 new trainees, includ­ing elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cians, mecha­tron­ics tech­ni­cians, indus­tri­al mechan­ics and an indus­tri­al clerk. We are look­ing forward…

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Composites Europe — Machine trends for composites processing

Composites Europe — Machine trends for composites processing

Com­pos­ites Europe: 19. – 21 Sep­tem­ber 2017, Stuttgart (Ger­many) In the spir­it of ‘clamp­ing with ice’ Com­pos­ites Europe, the lead­ing inter­na­tion­al trade fair for fibre com­pos­ite tech­nol­o­gy, will once again be the show­case for inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies and the meeting…

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Meyer AG: Continuous CAD/CAM system sets the pace

Meyer AG: Continuous CAD/CAM system sets the pace

BM 05.2017 Mould­ed parts, fur­ni­ture and inte­ri­or com­po­nents and smart spe­cial fit­tings: Design­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing in 3D has long been estab­lished for Mey­er AG, a renowned sup­pli­er in Ennet­bür­gen near Lucerne. Read arti­cle here (Ger­man version)

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LIGNA Hannover — Making more out of wood

LIGNA Hannover — Making more out of wood

New loca­tion in Hall 27 / Stand H40 LIGNA is always an ide­al plat­form for tech­ni­cal dis­cus­sions and we will be pre­sent­ing a com­pact, high-per­for­mance CNC sys­tem of the VISION‑I Sprint type to the inter­na­tion­al audi­ence. This sys­tem, which will be deliv­ered direct­ly to…

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