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Information about Vehicle construction

Technical articles & user reports

Visionary decisions level new grounds

Industrialised production for clever lightweight constructions

Increas­ing urban­i­sa­tion every­where around the globe asks for ever more effi­cient and low-emis­sion sys­tems in pub­lic trans­port and sta­tion­ary indus­tri­al plants. Airex Com­pos­ite Struc­tures knew at an ear­ly stage that clever light­weight con­struc­tion is a pre­con­di­tion for the effi­cient move­ment of weight, for effort­less accel­er­a­tion and for excel­lent mechan­i­cal performance.

Your customer is what matters

Meeting the requirements

And when, as is the case here, a pre­mi­um man­u­fac­tur­er from the Ger­man auto­mo­tive sec­tor prefers his com­po­nents to be machined in a par­tic­u­lar way, Fau­re­cia will make an invest­ment in a spe­cial-pur­pose machine to ensure the man­u­fac­ture of superb inte­ri­or parts. The Reichen­bach­er line at Fau­re­cia has been in oper­a­tion since the end of 2017 and has exclu­sive­ly been pro­duc­ing high-gloss dec­o­ra­tive parts for the dash­boards at the dri­ver and pas­sen­ger side, as well as for the cen­tre con­sole, of the Audi Q8.

Feel-good factor on wheels

Lightweight construction is essential for caravan building

The major clients of Sten­gele Holz- und Kun­st­stofftech­nik GmbH, such as Hymer, Cartha­go, Deth­leffs, Fendt and oth­ers, install its com­po­nents in all vehi­cles. Their pro­duc­tion sec­tor uses most advanced tech­nolo­gies, such as the 5‑axes CNC-machin­ing cen­tres from Reichen­bach­er, to ensure con­tin­u­ous top machin­ing quality.

Top quality in series production

Dust and chip-free milling process

At first, “a delib­er­ate invest­ment in future capac­i­ties” sounds dar­ing, above all when it refers to a big CNC-milling unit includ­ing robot sys­tems. For MN Coil, an impor­tant sup­pli­er of the auto­mo­tive and air­craft indus­try, how­ev­er, it con­sti­tutes a well-con­sid­ered step to reach a posi­tion where they can react to changes in the mar­ket at any giv­en time and ensure eco­nom­ic stability.

Trendsetting styling from aluminium

Luxurious appeal and authenticity

It is unde­ni­able that dec­o­rat­ed alu­mini­um in a car inte­ri­or exudes a spe­cial charis­ma. The peo­ple at Alutrim Europe GmbH have tak­en this up as a pro­fes­sion, as they trans­fer inspi­ra­tions found in nature and indus­try into dec­o­ra­tive sur­faces from gen­uine met­al. A major project for Audi neces­si­tat­ed a con­sid­er­able expan­sion in milling capac­i­ties in 2017.

More drive in the production process

Hobby-Wohnwagenwerk: Relies on CNC technology from Reichenbacher

Hob­by-Wohn­wa­gen­werk from Fock­bek in the Rends­burg-Eck­ern­förde dis­trict has been build­ing car­a­vans and motorhomes for almost six decades. Some time ago, the com­pa­ny was look­ing for a replace­ment for the 30-year-old machines used to fin­ish the out­er bod­ies. The com­pa­ny found what it was look­ing for in the spe­cial sys­tems man­u­fac­tur­er Reichen­bach­er Hamuel, which sup­plied state-of-the-art CNC technology.