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Information about robot automation

Technical articles & user reports

Fully automated staircase plant

Nordic individualists

Juhan Viise, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of the Aru Grupp, set him­self the goal in 2021 of devel­op­ing his com­pa­ny into the most mod­ern, ful­ly auto­mat­ed stair­case plant in the whole of Europe over the next few years. Cur­rent­ly, they oper­ate a log house and a glu­lam com­po­nent plant but also pro­duce high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts from sol­id wood, which they export on a glob­al scale.

A door at your fingertips

Ultra-modern high-performance machining centre at PRÜM

More flex­i­ble, faster and more effi­cient pro­duc­tion — that was the goal of door spe­cial­ist Prüm. To this end, the com­pa­ny com­mis­sioned a new pro­duc­tion sys­tem from Reichen­bach­er Hamuel, which set new stan­dards for Reichen­bach­er in terms of com­plex­i­ty and speed. The ultra-mod­ern high-per­for­mance machin­ing cen­ter went into oper­a­tion at Prüm in 2015.

The future of staircase construction

Atab-Trappan AB with Compass software

Stair­case man­u­fac­tur­er Atab in Agun­naryd, Swe­den, relies on robot and nest­ing solu­tions for the effi­cient pro­duc­tion of up to 55 stair­cas­es per week. In the area of soft­ware, the com­pa­ny has main­tained an inten­sive part­ner­ship with the Dort­mund-based soft­ware spe­cial­ist Com­pass since 1997. They oper­ate four CNC machines in pro­duc­tion, two of which are fed by robots.