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The lat­est from the trade press
Futurism in perfection — Bach Heiden AG

Futurism in perfection — Bach Heiden AG 

HK 3.2015 The Swiss com­pa­ny Hei­den AG proud­ly refers to the real­i­sa­tion of sen­sa­tion­al objects in the field of archi­tec­ture and design. Read arti­cle here (Ger­man version)

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A “submarine” to build stairs

A “submarine” to build stairs 

The “some­thing” wrapped in white foil and taped with brown par­cel tape looked like a small sub­ma­rine as it float­ed over the yard of the Jen­nich­es stair­case con­struc­tion com­pa­ny yes­ter­day. And com­pa­ny boss Bernd Jen­nich­es was a lit­tle wor­ried about this “sub­ma­rine”,…

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