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The lat­est from the trade press
Future-oriented production of aluminium profiles

Future-oriented production of aluminium profiles

Alu­mini­um Prax­is 3.2021 Why does a com­pa­ny that enjoys an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion in the steel indus­try ven­ture into com­plete­ly new ter­ri­to­ry by machin­ing around 70 tons of alu­mini­um? The answer is as sim­ple as it is remark­able. Read arti­cle here (Ger­man version)

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5 new trainees in the group of companies of Reichenbacher-Hamuel

5 new trainees in the group of companies of Reichenbacher-Hamuel

Today, a total of five new trainees start­ed their career at Reichen­bach­er Hamuel. The trainee posi­tions include two mecha­tron­ics engi­neers, one indus­tri­al mechan­ic, one indus­tri­al clerk and one elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cian for indus­tri­al engi­neer­ing. We extend a warm…

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Trend-setting aluminium styling

Trend-setting aluminium styling

Alu­mini­um Prax­is 7–8.2020 It is undis­put­ed among auto­mo­tive enthu­si­asts that dec­o­rat­ed alu­mini­um in vehi­cle inte­ri­ors exudes a spe­cial aura. Alutrim Europe GmbH turns this into a pro­fes­sion by trans­fer­ring inspi­ra­tions from nature and indus­try into dec­o­ra­tive real…

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Doors made by master craftsmen

Doors made by master craftsmen

HK 4.2020 Not all styles are cre­at­ed equal — accord­ing to this mot­to, Göbes GmbH and schutz in form GmbH from Hard­heim in Baden man­u­fac­ture spe­cial doors. The VISION-II-TT CNC machin­ing cen­tre from Reichen­bach­er plays a deci­sive role in the man­u­fac­tur­ing process. Read…

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Staircases with charm

Staircases with charm

HOB 5.2020 Two CNC sys­tems of the VISION series are in use at Dietel Trep­pen­bau in Halle an der Saale. Cut­ting accu­ra­cy, ful­ly auto­mat­ic con­trol and a min­i­mum of mate­r­i­al loss guar­an­tee a con­sis­tent­ly excel­lent result that can only be achieved in machine production.…

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Simply and efficiently safe

Simply and efficiently safe

Kon­struk­tion­sprax­is 11.2019 For decades, Reichen­bach­er Hamuel has relied on the pre­mi­um CNC Sinu­merik 840D sl from Siemens — and recent­ly on the inte­grat­ed safe­ty soft­ware Safe­ty Inte­grat­ed plus. Read arti­cle here (Ger­man version)

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Fits like a glove

Fits like a glove

HOB 10.2019 Weigh­ing around 9 t and 9.5 m long: a cus­tomer has bought a new machin­ing cen­tre. What to do when a ware­house stands in the way on the way to pro­duc­tion? Sev­en hours, a 150 t truck-mount­ed crane and an airy 22 m load­ing path lat­er, the Reichenbacher…

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Powerful CNC joinery

Powerful CNC joinery

BSP Spe­cial 2019 As pow­er­ful and auto­mat­ed as pos­si­ble, but still com­pact and uni­ver­sal­ly applic­a­ble. This is a rough sum­ma­ry of Derix’s require­ments pro­file for its new CNC machin­ing cen­tres for cross-lam­i­nat­ed tim­ber. They found what they were look­ing for at…

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12 new trainees in the group of companies of Reichenbacher-Hamuel

12 new trainees in the group of companies of Reichenbacher-Hamuel

The time has come again. The Reichen­bach­er-Hamuel group of com­pa­nies has gained new mem­bers. We wel­come a total of 12 new trainees, includ­ing elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cians, mecha­tron­ics tech­ni­cians, indus­tri­al mechan­ics, prod­uct design­ers and an indus­tri­al clerk. We are…

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Second Technology Seminar “Machining of Hybrid Lightweight Materials

Second Technology Seminar “Machining of Hybrid Lightweight Materials

From diesel car to air taxi The auto­mo­tive indus­try is under­go­ing rapid change. Efforts to reduce CO2 emis­sions demand new forms of dri­ve. Inno­v­a­tive machin­ing solu­tions were pre­sent­ed using exam­ples of the machin­ing of draw­ing parts for elec­tric vehi­cles, interiors…

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