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Carthago Reisemobilbau GmbH

Gaugler & Lutz

Vehicle Construction

Mod­ern vehi­cle con­cepts are defined by sophis­ti­cat­ed geome­tries, high­ly sta­ble light­weight mate­ri­als or mul­ti-com­po­nent parts. This cre­ates a vehi­cle iden­ti­ty all of its own.

Faurecia Interieur Components

Trend-set­ting in the direc­tion of smart vehi­cle inte­ri­ors: One com­po­nent is high-gloss paint­ed mul­ti-com­po­nent parts that reflect the mod­ern zeitgeist.

Faurecia’s spe­cial machine ECO-LT-1010 uses the most advanced tech­nol­o­gy to pro­duce first-class inte­ri­or parts for lux­u­ry series.

Alutrim Real Metal Surfaces

Dec­o­ra­tive real met­al sur­faces in com­bi­na­tion with sophis­ti­cat­ed geome­tries cre­ate a very unique vehi­cle identity.

Alutrim uses an ECO-RS-III for large series pro­duc­tion: The machine table with two almost ver­ti­cal table sur­faces is mount­ed on a turn­ing device and can be turned 180° for loading.

Stengele Caravan Construction

In car­a­van con­struc­tion, fur­ni­ture fronts and flaps, kitchen work­tops or entire sleep­ing sys­tems for indi­vid­ual com­fort are made from sand­wich or light­weight pan­els that are extreme­ly stable.

Sten­gele works with tem­plates, so a high Z‑stroke is essen­tial: for the VISION-III-TH, this is 700 mm, per­fect­ed with the option of nest­ing in pen­du­lum mode.

AIREX Composite Systems

Pre­req­ui­site for increas­ing urban­i­sa­tion are effi­cient­ly mov­ing mass­es and there­fore light-weight struc­tures for rail vehi­cles and buses.

AIREX is the mar­ket leader where func­tion­al­ly inte­grat­ed com­pos­ite sys­tems for mass trans­port are con­cerned. High-pre­ci­sion man­u­fac­tur­ing of these com­po­nents is car­ried out on a VISION-III-TT.

Carthago Reisemobilbau GmbH Caravan Construction

A weight reduc­tion of the super­struc­ture and thus bet­ter sta­bil­i­ty and dri­ving dynam­ics are achieved when mobile homes are built from high-sta­bil­i­ty light-weight materials.

This approach has opti­mised Carthago’s over­all con­cept of mobile home con­struc­tion. Inte­ri­or fit­tings, struc­tur­al com­po­nents and out­er walls are machined on the VISION-II, the excel­lent milling results of which under­line the supe­ri­or qual­i­ty of the products.

Gaugler & Lutz Lightweight and Sandwich Construction

Cross-linked rigid foams are the ulti­mate in light-weight con­struc­tion and race cars have become incon­ceiv­able with­out them.

Gau­gler & Lutz is top in the indus­try as a sup­pli­er of core mate­ri­als for light­weight and sand­wich con­struc­tions. Man­u­fac­tur­ing on a VISION-II pro­vides opti­mum con­di­tions for their strat­e­gy of dynam­ic capac­i­ty utilisation.

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