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Information about window construction

Technical articles & user reports

Optimally connected

CNC-controlled production of framed doors and windows

Win­dows and doors made of wood are the busi­ness of Wil­helm GmbH in Wees. In 2009, they pur­chased a new CNC pro­cess­ing cen­ter. Ini­tial­ly only for stair­case pro­duc­tion, but in order to achieve bet­ter capac­i­ty uti­liza­tion, front door pro­duc­tion has also been moved to this machine. To this end, “NC-Hops” was also expand­ed to include a cor­re­spond­ing frieze con­struc­tion module.

Solving big tasks intuitively

Software and machine as a unit

Com­pa­nies in indus­try and trade face a major chal­lenge when it comes to automa­tion. After all, machines alone are not enough — in order to guar­an­tee con­sis­tent­ly high prod­uct qual­i­ty, intel­li­gent soft­ware must be used so that employ­ees can oper­ate machines and car­ry out pro­gram­ming after a short train­ing period.