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Sheet metal, light and hard metal processing

Technical articles & user reports

Clean air is their mission

At home in all climate zones

How can high-pre­ci­sion holes be made into dou­ble-wall V2A- or sheet steel pan­els in an eco­nom­i­cal­ly sen­si­ble way? Spe­cial­ists from AL-KO Therm had set out to find an answer to this ques­tion. There, ven­ti­la­tion and air con­di­tion­ing units of all sizes and ver­sions are devel­oped and test­ed for most dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions in their own test centre.

Top quality in series production

Dust and chip-free milling process

At first, “a delib­er­ate invest­ment in future capac­i­ties” sounds dar­ing, above all when it refers to a big CNC-milling unit includ­ing robot sys­tems. For MN Coil, an impor­tant sup­pli­er of the auto­mo­tive and air­craft indus­try, how­ev­er, it con­sti­tutes a well-con­sid­ered step to reach a posi­tion where they can react to changes in the mar­ket at any giv­en time and ensure eco­nom­ic stability.

Trendsetting styling from aluminium

Luxurious appeal and authenticity

It is unde­ni­able that dec­o­rat­ed alu­mini­um in a car inte­ri­or exudes a spe­cial charis­ma. The peo­ple at Alutrim Europe GmbH have tak­en this up as a pro­fes­sion, as they trans­fer inspi­ra­tions found in nature and indus­try into dec­o­ra­tive sur­faces from gen­uine met­al. A major project for Audi neces­si­tat­ed a con­sid­er­able expan­sion in milling capac­i­ties in 2017.

New machine concept HSTM 150 S2

High-precision HSC 5‑axes turn-mill machining of flow components

The require­ments for the man­u­fac­ture of tur­bine- and com­pres­sor blades, blisks or radi­al com­pres­sors are very chal­leng­ing ones. A HSC-machin­ing cen­tre needs excel­lent prop­er­ties to meet these extra­or­di­nary demands as to the required accu­ra­cies and sur­face qualities.

TUBE – a new machine concept

Tailor-made for the automotive industry

Our busi­ness phi­los­o­phy con­sists in devel­op­ing lines that appeal to our tar­get groups. Nor­mal­ly, to achieve this goal we base the con­cept for each line on our mod­u­lar sys­tem. For the first time our approach has been dif­fer­ent in the case of the TUBE. The auto­mo­tive indus­try has sev­er­al pecu­liar­i­ties which we want to accommodate.

VISION-FLEX – a new machine concept

Innovative machining of aluminium profiles

The high­ly dynam­ic 5‑axes CNC-machine VISION-FLEX is per­fect for the advanced pro­cess­ing of alu­mini­um pro­files, as it rev­o­lu­tionis­es the cut­ting and machin­ing even of larg­er pro­file cross-sec­tions. The pro­cess­ing of pro­files of up to 7,300 mm in length, three-sided and end-of-pro­file machin­ing, are only some of the tech­ni­cal high­lights of this new machine concept.


Fully-automated: the decisive step ahead

The refined HSTM 150 HD places us in a posi­tion where we can offer a ful­ly-auto­mat­ed pro­cess­ing cen­tre to the man­u­fac­tur­ers of tur­bine and com­pres­sor blades for the aero­space indus­try. A com­plete­ly inte­grat­ed work­piece stor­age and chang­er sys­tem allows for the entire­ly self-suf­fi­cient oper­a­tion of the line, mean­ing that it can be oper­at­ed unmanned for sev­er­al hours.

Core parts for flow components

High-performance applications do not allow for compromise

The avi­a­tion indus­try has had a hard land­ing, and with it sup­pli­ers of all stripes. What remains is the insight that in such unsta­ble times only the will to change is a way out. Parts for high-per­for­mance appli­ca­tions in par­tic­u­lar require the tight­est tol­er­ances and high-pre­ci­sion surfaces.