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Information about formwork construction

Technical articles & user reports

Thinking the other way round

Perfect solutions for any building project

The com­pa­ny innbau-Beton, which sup­plies build­ing con­trac­tors with high-wual­i­ty pre­cast con­crete parts, is locat­ed just out­side Munich. 90 employ­ees cre­ate per­fect solu­tions for any build­ing project, which impress by excel­lent con­crete and sur­face qual­i­ties. For only two years now, pan­els in sizes up to 6,000 x 2,000 mm have been pro­duced auto­mat­i­cal­ly on the QUANTUM.

Rhinos in feel-good mode

Impressive pagoda at Berlin Zoo

The com­plex­i­ty of geo­met­ri­cal­ly demand­ing struc­tures in com­bi­na­tion with
fair-faced con­crete is a remark­able chal­lenge. The impres­sive pago­da in the entrance area of the new rhi­no house at Berlin Zoo is an exam­ple for such a feat, as is a school build­ing in Bavaria, where pret­ty much every­thing is round and there is hard­ly a straight wall to be found.

Innovative wood and formwork construction

From planning to execution

The car­pen­try com­pa­ny Holzbau Reichel cov­ers the entire range of clas­sic tim­ber con­struc­tion. Once the gen­er­al build­ing boom had sub­sided at the turn of the mil­len­ni­um, the com­pa­ny spe­cialised in the con­struc­tion of roof truss­es and in form­work with a focus on bridge struc­tures, with the lat­ter now account­ing for around 75 per cent of the order volume.