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HS Coburg

Lightweight Construction

Mov­ing mass­es effi­cient­ly requires sophis­ti­cat­ed light­weight struc­tures. Tech­ni­cal fin­ished parts made of light­weight mate­ri­als require extreme­ly high sur­face qualities.

MECHTOP AG Aluminium Profiles

The clamp­ing of com­po­nents, espe­cial­ly very small ones, is a great chal­lenge. In addi­tion, pressed alu­minum pro­files are some­times very twist­ed, and the larg­er the pro­file, the more rigid it becomes.

The VISION-FLEX at Mech­top is designed for 6‑sided alu­minum machin­ing one hun­dred per­cent. Indi­vid­u­al­ly dri­ven clamp­ing blocks con­sid­er­ably reduce set-up and pro­duc­tion times, and the fact that you can also reclamp dur­ing machin­ing is fascinating.

IKUFORM Plastic Materials

Effi­cient man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es require intel­li­gent sys­tem components.

Iku­form sup­ply fin­ished tech­ni­cal com­po­nents from plas­tic mate­r­i­al to indus­tries demand­ing extreme­ly high sur­face qual­i­ties. The VISION-I‑H guar­an­tees first-rate machin­ing results for plas­tic com­po­nents – and it does so at con­sis­tent quality.

HÜTTINGER Exhibition Components

Hüt­tinger, a provider of inter­act­ing exhibits from wood, alu­mini­um and ther­mo­plas­tics for sci­ence cen­tres and themed attrac­tions con­sid­ers the CNC-line VISION-II-TH inspiring.

They deal with a great vari­ety of com­po­nents, and the line per­fect­ly han­dles com­plex tasks, e.g. to obtain clear edges for com­po­nents from acrylic glass.

HS COBURG Prototype Construction

Pro­to­type and mod­el con­struc­tion is about high mate­r­i­al removal rates and good sur­face qual­i­ty. This requires a pow­er­ful spin­dle in a unit designed for high feed rates, such as the ECO-2126‑A.

The Insti­tute for Pro­to­types and Mod­el Tech­nol­o­gy of Coburg Uni­ver­si­ty is a devel­op­ment ser­vice provider. Among their fas­ci­nat­ing projects are moulds and mod­els for inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or trim ele­ments for the auto­mo­tive industry.

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