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Sustainable building with wood

Sustainable building with wood

HOB 5+6.2023 Sus­tain­able build­ing with wood Time­less build­ing has been a tra­di­tion at Bauer Holzbau for almost 140 years. Crafts­man­ship is com­bined with progress and is exem­pli­fied in the form of mod­ern pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties and logis­tics...
Extremely fast and very precise

Extremely fast and very precise

HK 3.2023 Extrem schnell und sehr präzise In einem Meti­er Vor­re­it­er zu sein ist das eine, dies auf tech­nisch und wirtschaftlich sin­nvolle Weise zu erre­ichen das andere. Die Anschaf­fung ein­er neuen 5‑Achs CNC-Anlage war laut Klaus Feile, Vor­stand der Moralt...
Cheek milling machine farewell!

Cheek milling machine farewell!

dds 3.2023 Cheek milling machine farewell! Ste­fan Nos and son Benedikt labo­ri­ous­ly made stairs with exot­ic machines. Now they have drawn a line and banned from the work­shop not only the cheek milling machine for milling steps and the stair­case bor­ing machine....
The crazier the better

The crazier the better

HK 6.2022 The cra­zier, the better The 3D form­work bod­ies that give the con­crete its shape are planned, pre­fab­ri­cat­ed and assem­bled with com­put­er assis­tance. The more geo­met­ri­cal­ly com­plex the form­work, the more flow­able and at the same time...
A House at your fingertips

A House at your fingertips

HOB 10.2022 A House at your fingertips! Hous­ing is scarce and becom­ing increas­ing­ly expen­sive. In the mean­time, tim­ber con­struc­tion has gained an impor­tant place in the build­ing indus­try world­wide, espe­cial­ly with regard to envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly...
Spectacular geometries

Spectacular geometries

Bauplaner DIB A11 2022 Rhi­nos in feel-good mode The com­plex­i­ty of geo­met­ri­cal­ly demand­ing struc­tures in com­bi­na­tion with fair-faced con­crete is a remark­able chal­lenge. For a tow­er made from fair-faced con­crete dyed red, which tapers more and...